
With times, Software applications in an enterprise tend to grow in number of customers or users, in turn capacity. In order to meet the load or demands form the customers, the existing applications built need to be enhanced or redesigned with the available latest technologies

In certain cases, the applications designed improperly without proper foresight cannot provide the advantages of software like readability, maintainability, reusability, extensibility and scalability in the long run.

Our Re-engineering services help replacement of legacy systems to enhance usability, scalability, maintainability and performance. We address variety of legacy system issues such as high cost of maintenance, lack of resources and expertise to maintain the system, unsupported systems and lack of integration and enhancement capabilities etc. Based on the specific requirements, we offer choice of different methods like re-architecture, re-hosting, new development, migration and componentization etc.

With our expertise in understanding the systems, we help in planning the entire migration process to get a seamless quick switch over of the system. All this is offered within optimum cost

  • Future proof re-engineering of legacy / older applications with longevity easy maintainability of applications
    Impetus will help replace legacy systems to enhance usability, scalability, maintainability and performance. We address variety of legacy system issues such as high cost of maintenance, lack of resources and expertise to maintain the system, unsupported systems and lack of integration and enhancement capabilities